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Firebomb PETA!

Exposing PETA and other animal rights organizations, one entry at a time.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

PETA and Homeland Security

I have come to a conclusion: Ingrid Newkirk is fucking nuts, and not the "Let's go drive the people at Walgreens fucking nuts" kind of nuts. The OTHER kind of nuts. She must be. Anyone who honestly believes that the Dept. of Homeland Security is anything like McCarthy or the House Un-American Activities Committee is fucking insane. Note to PETA: The FBI and Homeland Security are both interested in you because you trade members with the ALF/ELF, your leadership has advocated terrorism in the past and they encourage it now, you gave the ELF money in 2001, and you refuse to distance yourself from the terrorism that occurs in the name of your ideology. If you were supporting international terrorism, we wouldn't even be talking about this. Your 501(c)3 status would have been taken away and your leadership would probably be in jail.

Anyhow, Ingrid Newkirk seems to think that the Dept. of Homeland Security is the new Un-American Activities Committee, and she has warned PETA members not to talk to either the FBI or Homeland Security. Newkirk was quite paranoid in her warning, saying that the FBI was looking into the entire animal rights movement. Well, there is no evidence that they are, and, in fact, an agent even told me that they aren't. However, they should. I, for one, would love to know just where the hell Farm Sanctuary gets all their animals, despite the fact that they turn away most animals from above ground sources, and send them to smaller farm sanctuaries like OohMahNee Farm. Farm Sanctuary was the mouthpiece of the ALF until PETA took on those responsibilities in 1989... I smell something funny here.

Now, I don't know what the present strategy of the FBI or of Homeland Security is, but domestic terrorism needs to be addressed. It seems as if domestic terrorism is like the redheaded stepchild of our homeland security policy. I mean, we're so worried about protecting our country from outside invaders, we neglect to keep an eye on the people among us who would wish to do us harm simply because they don't agree with our lifestyle. Granted, there isn't much they can do about domestic terrorism, due to the First Amendment, but I'm sure that there are some things they could do. They could sanction those who give the terrorists money, for example.

Anyhow, getting back on track, Ingrid Newkirk was quoted as saying, "As you may know, the FBI has a massive current investigation into the ALF and ELF and, by default, as with McCarthyism, into the entire animal rights community," in 2003. Does she have any fucking idea what McCarthyism is? Investigating groups that trade members with the ALF/ELF and SHAC (Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty) is not McCarthyism. It is running a criminal investigation. If Ingrid Newkirk doesn't like the fact that the FBI and Homeland Security routinely investigate her organization, then maybe she should cut ties with the terrorists, publicly denounce terrorism, and come clean about the $1500 that PETA gave the ELF (I called PETA this morning and they said they would get back to me with answers. So far, no call.. Next time I call, I am going to lie through my teeth if I have to). McCarthyism involves putting pressure on someone or a group of people to conform to prevailing political beliefs. It does not involve investigating criminals and those that associate with criminals. Ingrid, there are a couple of wonderful websites that you should check out before you start misusing words again. Ever hear of Dictionary.com? How about Wikipedia?

Seriously, when you are a member of an organization whose president tells you not to cooperate with federal authorities investigating terrorism, to willfully obstruct investigations designed to make this country more safe, that should tell you something about the moral bankruptcy of that organization. Of course, this won't cross the mind of the average PETA member, because PETA preaches that the ends justify the means.


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